Mar 21, 2011

Does God Tell Lies? - By Pat Stanton - Part 1

If God was a man then He could tell lies and many untruths...

If God was a man then He could tell lies and many untruths.  Aren't we glad that there is no lack of truthfulness in our Father?  He is far removed from falsehood.  "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent..." (Numbers 23:19).

What has God spoken in His holy Bible about His willingness to help and heal His children?  God has not changed His mind about helping us today.  He is still the same and He never changes (Malachi 3:6).  It is our privilege and responsibility to believe His Word.  He is the Spirit of Truth. 

God said...

1.  "I will give you strength and bless you with peace" (Ps 29:11).

2.  "I am the Lord that heals you" (Exodus 15:26).

3.  "I will take sickness away from you" (Exodus 23:25).

4.  "I will preserve you and keep you alive" (Psalm 41:2)
