Oct 16, 2024

Have You Responded to the Invitation? By Pat Stanton

Have you responded to the greatest invitation the Lord Jesus ever gave? He simply said in Matthew 11:28, "Come to Me...and I will give you rest."

He said if you are tired of all the rituals, hype, works, etc., then I invite you to come into My Presence. If you will come to Me, you can bring all of your troubles, problems, and sin.

When we decide to take His yoke upon our lives, then He carries our burdens and cares. He promises to give us His rest and peace. As we live in His rest, we can daily experience peace for our soul (mind, will, and emotions).

As we live close to the Prince of Peace, He gives ease, refreshment, recreation, and a blessed quietness for our heart (Matthew 11:28-30). Have you responded to the invitation? He is waiting.

Sample Prayer:

God, I believe Jesus Christ is your Son. He died on a cross for my sins and has been raised from the dead. Jesus, come and live inside of my heart. I believe I am now being born again and made new, as I confess Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of my life.