Oct 3, 2024

Meekness - By Pat Stanton

"But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall

delight themselves in the abundance of peace” 

(Psalm 37:11).

I pray you experience the mighty truth of this verse and know in your heart and life, the fulfillment of God’s provision. The Lord states those who are meek, (gentle, humble - saintly) will inherit the land. This word inherit has a powerful life changing meaning. It is to:

 * Occupy (by driving out previous tenants and possession in their place)

* To seize – to cast out – to destroy and disinherit – to take possession

 You can go into the enemy’s camp, seize and take back what has been stolen. You can only do this if you live a “meek” life and walk in His authority and peace. 

 This peace means:

* To be safe, happy, well; to receive welfare from Him

* Health, prosperity, peace