Jun 6, 2024

And Suddenly God - Part 4 - By Pat Stanton

We can walk in a greater measure of peace as we stop talking in a negative fashion. Often times people say destructive words such as, "This is driving me crazy," or "I think I'm losing my mind!"  

As we say negative words, we can open ourselves to trouble. James 3:2 says that we can control our whole body if we will not offend in word. The speech center is located in the brain and the brain sends out our words to every nerve in our body.

Please meditate on the following verses concerning the words of your mouth...

Proverbs 10:11, 32 - "The mouth of the righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked."

Proverbs 12:13,14,18,22 - "The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble. A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth: and the recompence of a man's hands shall be rendered unto him. There is that speaketh like the piercing of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight."