Sep 19, 2010

What Season Are You In? - By Pat Stanton

 "To everything there is a season... 

"To everything there is a season.  A time for every purpose under heaven:..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  God created our earth to operate in seasons.  "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:22).

God has a season and a time for all of His purposes and promises to come to pass.  We also see this in nature and we get to enjoy the beauty and benefits of each season.  What season are you in?  Why do you need understanding about the times and seasons of life?

Perhaps we need to be like the men of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, "...of the children of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do,..."  If you can have understanding about the season that you are in then you should be able to enjoy life and to rest in the Lord.  Maybe  you have just recently become a divorcee, a single parent, a retiree, a new mother, and on and on.  There are three thoughts that should help as we make changes and adjustments:

1.  Change happens just as surely as the leaves begin to fall every year.

2.  How you react and what you do with the change determines your future peace and well being.

3.  God does not change.  He is the same loving heavenly Father through every season of life.  We change, but He is always willing and ready to help in our time of need.  (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 4:16)

Just this past week, a sweet lady sent me a card and ended it with these thoughts from Romans 15:13, "May His explosive power rest on you as you begin a new season of life."  I pray the same prayer for you, that you would know how to yield to His wonderful presence.