Sep 12, 2010

Delivered from Smoking - by Mary Martin

I was still pretty new to...

I was still pretty new to Trinity in 2006, when one night during the regular Wednesday night service, Pat was the featured speaker.  I really enjoyed hearing her message and loved her singing, but that was all I thought I was going to receive.  After all, I wasn't going to go up there and let her touch me!  After being raised in the Baptist church, I was more than a little skeptical and a little scared, but I was trying to be open minded.

As the service concluded and people were leaving, she said to the crowd as an after thought, "And in Jesus' name, if any of you are going to go out there and put something in your mouth, it isn't going to taste good."  Having been a smoker for 30 years, who had tried everything possible to quit, I sure never suspected that remark was meant for me.  But when I lit up a cigarette, it was like sucking on a straw, nothing, no taste at all!

I was really stunned and tried a couple more times that evening, and even the next couple of days.  It was a big waste of time because I got no pleasure or satisfaction from it.  I finally just accepted the fact that I had been delivered from the embarrassing addiction to cigarettes that I had been praying would "go away".

Well, the Lord doesn't always answer our prayers like we think He ought to, and I am truly thankful of how He heals through Pat's ministry.  So is my husband, Gary, he tried to get me to quit smoking for years!  It's been 3 1/2 years and I can honestly say I will never, never, ever, put another cigarette in my mouth, and I am so grateful that I share this testimony with anyone who will listen.