Jan 12, 2014

The New Year - By Pat Stanton

As we enter the New Year of 2014, I have to say that I am so eager to see all that the Lord will reveal.  His power will be on great display for all who care to see.  He will unravel some of the greatest mysteries of the ages to proclaim His glory and divinity.  You will see unparalleled examples of the wealth of the sinner being released into the hands of the church and individual believers.

We will stand in amazement and wonder at the ebb and flow of the Super-Abundance of the Almighty God.  You might as well get ready to see your mouth drop in astonishment at the goodness and miracle working power of God.  “He will command the blessing on you…” (Deut. 28:8A).  

You can receive the greatest of healing miracles, opportunities, and advancement.  All of the unlimited resources of heaven can be released into your life in 2014.  As you yield your total life unto the Lord, He will take you higher and higher into His anointing.  He wants the fruit of the Spirit prevailing in your walk and not the fruit of the flesh.  God’s fresh fire is ready to cleanse.

God himself has guaranteed to give great supply to all who support His kingdom's work (Philippians 4:14-19).  My prayer and desire for you is that you see the Lord high and lifted up and that you respond to His call and will for your life.