And Suddenly God - Part 2 - By Pat Stanton
It can be exciting and thrilling to be "stopped in your tracks" by the hand of God.
It can be exciting and thrilling to be "stopped in your tracks" by the hand of God. This is exactly what happened to Saul in the New Testament in Acts 9:3. "...And suddenly a light flashed around him from heaven." Saul was totally enveloped in the presence of the Lord and the glory of the light blinded him for three days (Acts 22:11). He said that this light was brighter than the noonday sun (Acts 26:13).
Saul ws a strict Pharisee who persecuted the new Christians of The Way. He imprisoned many and even consented to the murder of Stephen. But, suddenly God! Saul was knocked to the ground by the power of God and Jesus appeared to him and said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Here we have the head of the church telling Saul that he is persecuting Him by harming His body the church (Ephesians 1:22,23).
Aren't we glad that Saul was changed into another man and became known as the Apostle Paul? Do you need the light of the Lord to shine into your life? Why not get closer into His presence and just talk!