Jul 1, 2012

Thinking Higher Thoughts - Part 4 - By Pat Stanton

God wants our minds renewed, our wills conformed to His will, and our emotions controlled by His love. This statement is based on the truth of ........ Matthew 22:37, 39, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment."


We cannot obey these verses until our hearts, souls, and minds have been washed, healed, and renewed by the touch of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible for us to love our neighbor as ourselves unless we have received healing and cleansing from old memories, hurts, and rejections of the past. Our emotions will not allow us to relate to others in love and understanding unless we are daily washed by the renewing of the Word of God, and unless we have been touched and healed by His understanding peace.


I do not have the ability within myself to love God with everything that I am. Without the wisdom of God, I do not even know how to relate to God as a Father, to Jesus as a total Saviour, or to the Holy Spirit as a constant companion and Helper.


The peace of God allows us to begin a renewing process in the thinking patterns of our minds. I have found through the years that I do not think on a high level of faith if my emotions and heart are living in defeat. My mind reacts to my "heart condition". I do whatever my heart and my spirit suggest. If I choose to be moody or iritable, them my mind picks this up and my mouth soons joins in and then sends this feeling of discouragement to my body.


My total personality is an interrelated unit, so that no part of me is left out of any decision or act in my life. This is just one reason why the writer in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 states, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."