Feb 6, 2012

The Renewed Mind - By Pat Stanton

I believe that it is necessary to ask ourselves this question - Is my mind controlled...?

I believe that it is necessary to ask ourselves this question - Is my mind controlled by the renewing of Jesus Christ or is it controlled by the data already filed away?  How often we let doubt, fear and confusion rule and reign in our minds.


When thoughts of anxiety and fear approach our minds, we either raise the shield of faith and rebuke these enemies, or we invite these thoughts into our hearts and entertain them.  When a person allows certain thoughts to stay within the mind, these thoughts will then flow into the heart and take up residence within our personalities.


I know and believe that any harmful chain that has locked itself around your mind can be loosed in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.  Jesus died not only to take care of our sin problems, but for the redemption of the whole man.  "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


Jesus Christ is the author and the instigator of peace.  He is referred to in scripture as the Prince of Peace and He has come to give His love and peace for our minds and hearts (Isaiah 9:6).


(This exerpt is taken from Pat's book - "Living in Peace")