Jun 14, 2010

Horses on the Beach - by Pat Stanton

When my husband and I were in Ireland a few years ago, we watched a fascinating example of horse training.

When we approach the subject of getting in shape, don't you think that we are looking for our bodies to be born again?  Aren't we all looking for an instant supernatural fix or change?  (Sorry - it probably won't happen.)  The body transformation normally works from your will and by the renewing of your mind.  Most of the time, we have to have a strong motivation to make a significant change.  If you are going to be in a wedding party or your class reunion is near, you will have new energy and devotion in losing a few pounds!

Do you ever wonder what the Lord thinks about our bodies?  He gives us great words in Romans 12:1, "...present your bodies a living sacrifice."  We are taught here that we are to bring ourselves to God.  We are to be wholly the Lord's as were the former sacrifices.

When my husband and I were in Ireland a few years ago, we watched a fascinating example of horse training.  As we looked out from our hotel balcony over the Irish Sea, we were pleasantly surprised to see horses on the beach.  Early every morning we would see a few horses pulling small carriages.  We deducted that the trotting on the sand and pulling a small load was good exercise and training.

Well, I would love a beach for an early run, but I will have to settle for my dog and I going for a nice walk in the country.  Actually, I wanted to walk in the mall this afternoon, but I was reminded that this article was due - so, there goes my good intention to be in better physical shape!  Sometimes in our lamenting to the Lord about our shape, hair, or how the body performs, don't you think that the Lord just smiles?  He is probably wanting to remind us of Job 4:19 when He said we were houses of clay.

Or He is thinking about 2 Corinthians 4:7 when He says that we are earthen vessels (clay pots with maybe a few cracks).  No, now, He did not call us crack pots!  The Lord desires that we become strong in our spirit, soul, and body.  He is the savior of the body and declares that we are more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image (1 Corinthians 6:13, 2 Corinthians 3:18b).