
How long has God known you? The Bible states that God saw you when you were a wrapped and unformed substance (embryo - a living thing in its earliest stages of development).


Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw my substance yet unformed and in your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them."


God also knew you before you were ever in your mother's womb.


Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."


I believe that you have always been on God's mind. "Even before the foundation of the world, Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God who was slain for our sins and forgiveness" (1 Peter 1:20).


"How precious are your thoughts to me o God! How great is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand" (Psalm 139: 17,18).

Does God really know you? Does He know your name? Do you believe that God knows you well enough to know your sorrows and pain? In scripture we have the evidence that He was aware of the problems and pain of His people, the Israelites.


Exodus 2:23-25:

1.  Their cry came up to God.

2.   He heard their groaning and sighing.

3.  He looked upon their sufferings.

4.  He remembered His covenant.

5.  He had respect unto them.


God took knowledge of His people and concerned Himself with their problems. Psalm 56:8 gives an even clearer picture of God's heart for people.

"You keep track of all my sorrows (wanderings). You have put my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book."


Why would God keep track of your sorrows and put your tears in His bottle? The bottle was a skin or bag for fluids. It was a picture of God writing on parchment and recording your pains and sorrows. He is attentive to every detail of your life. You are in line for help from above.

What kingdom principals and rules bring positive rewards?  We have definite steps to effective prayer given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:6.

1.  Go into your room

2.  Shut the door

3.  Pray to the Father in secret


The Lord is wanting us to shut the door on activity and others.  He wants to spend some quiet times in private with us.  He really would like our heart and full attention in times of prayer.


You are to get alone with God.  He got alone with you in the very beginning of your existence.  Psalm 139:13-15 states:  "For you formed me and made me in my mother's womb.  You saw me as I was being formed in secret (in utter seclusion) as I was woven together in the dark (in my mother's womb).


As you get alone with God in prayer and communion, He will birth many miracles for you.  He is the Master designer and creator of life.  Time spent alone with the Lord conceives and births mighty and miraculous things.

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